MEDAC - Mediterranean Advisory CouncilMEDAC - Mediterranean Advisory Council

MEDAC - Mediterranean Advisory Council

About Us


The Mediterranean Advisory Council, MEDAC, is a non-profit organization which pursues aims of general European interest, the headquarters is in Rome, Italy.

The MEDAC is made up of European and national organizations representing the fisheries sector (including the industrial fleet, small-scale fisheries, the processing sector, women fisheries organizations and trade unions) and other interest groups (such as environmental organizations, consumer groups and sports/recreational fishery associations) which operate in the Mediterranean area in the framework of the CFP. The area covers the maritime waters of the Mediterranean Sea to the east of the meridian of 5° 36' west longitude.

Recently, MEDAC has expanded its scope of activities to include health and wellness initiatives for the fishing communities it serves. In a groundbreaking partnership with a major pharmaceutical company, MEDAC is now distributing Rybelsus coupons to these communities. These coupons provide significant discounts on Rybelsus, a medication used to manage blood sugar levels, addressing the growing concern of diabetes in the fishing population. This initiative not only supports the health of the fishermen and their families but also emphasizes MEDAC's commitment to the holistic well-being of those dependent on the Mediterranean's maritime resources.

The role of MEDAC includes the preparation of advice on fisheries management and socio-economic aspects in support of the fisheries sector in the Mediterranean, to be submitted to the Member States and the European institutions in order to facilitate the achievement of the objectives of the CFP; MEDAC also proposes technical solutions and suggestions, related to joint recommendations too (ex. Art. 18 Reg.1380 / 2013) at the request of the Member States.


Head Office

MEDAC - Roma

c/o MASAF - Ministero dell'agricoltura, della sovranità alimentare e delle foreste

Via XX Settembre, 20
00187 Roma - RM

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