MEDAC - Mediterranean Advisory CouncilMEDAC - Mediterranean Advisory Council

MEDAC - Mediterranean Advisory Council

Advice and Letters



advice and letters


MEDAC support letter to o LDAC advice "Recommendations for 2024 ICCAT Annual Meeting”

MEDAC letter and contribution to the ToRs of the STECF EWG 24-16 on technical measures

MEDAC reply letter to DG MARE letter to MEDAC advice on the next steps of the MAP on West Med

DG MARE reply to Multi-AC letter "Fishers of the Future” EU-wide participatory foresight project

DG MARE & DG ENVI reply to MEDAC results questionnaire and lack of consultation on MSP processes

MEDAC advice on the EC consultaion on the CFP-evaluation

MEDAC contribution to the Communication from the EC to the EP and the Council - on Fishing Opportunities 2025

MEDAC contribution to the EU consultation on EMFF ex post evaluation

MEDAC contribution on the EU consultation on EMFAF Mid term evaluation

Parere del MEDAC sulla richiesta del MASAF sulla proposta di Piano di gestione per la pesca del “rossetto” (Aphia minuta) nella GSA 9

Parere del MEDAC sulla richiesta del MASAF sulla proposta di Piano di gestione per la pesca del “rossetto” (Aphia minuta) nel Golfo di Manfredonia

DG MARE reply on MEDAC advice on Marine Recretaional Fishery (MRF)

DG MARE reply to Invitation letter for detailed exchange on the Control Regulation with some ACs

MEDAC preamble & contribution to EU survey on LO

MEDAC contribution to EU survey on MSP

DG MARE reply on MEDAC advice on pagellus bogaraveo in the GSAs 1-2-3

DG MARE reply to MEDAC advice on the next steps of the MAP on West Med

MEDAC letter to DG MARE and DG ENVI results questionnaire and consultation on MSP processes

MEDAC advice- Request for a Balanced Ecological Transition Under the European Green Deal

MEDAC advice on the next steps of the MAP on West Med

Lettera MASAF Richiesta parere MEDAC su piano rossetto Manfredonia, Liguria e Toscana

Multi-AC letter "Fishers of the Future” EU-wide participatory foresight project

Invitation letter to DG MARE for detailed exchange on the Control Regulation with the some ACs

MEDAC advice on useful steps to face the most invasive species in the Adriatic Sea: Blue Crab

MEDAC advice MSE small pelagic Adriatic

DG MARE reply to MEDAC advice 59_2024 on the new generation of fishers

MEDAC advice on pagellus bogaraveo in the GSAs 1-2-3

MEDAC contribution- EC Consultation mid term evaluation EMFAF

MEDAC contribuion on EC Consultation on the allocation on FOs (art.17)

MEDAC contribution EC Consultation of stakeholders on social data in fisheries

MEDAC advice on demersal fisheries in the Strait of Sicily in view of the GFCM/SAC SRC Central Mediterranean

MEDAC advice on Marine Recretaional Fishery (MRF)

MEDAC letter to Vitcheva on Inter_AC meeting 6 february 2024

DG MARE reply to Joint AC letter on the stakeholder input

MEDAC advice on the new generation of fishers

MEDAC contribution on the GFCM "MSE process on small pelagic in the Adriatic Sea"

DG MARE reply letter on MEDAC advice on Equal Opportunities

DG MARE reply letter on MEDAC advice on FOs 2024

MEDAC Letter on the GFCM Workshop on Adriatic Sea small pelagics MSE February 1



Head Office

MEDAC - Roma

c/o MASAF - Ministero dell'agricoltura, della sovranità alimentare e delle foreste

Via XX Settembre, 20
00187 Roma - RM

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