MEDAC - Mediterranean Advisory CouncilMEDAC - Mediterranean Advisory Council

MEDAC - Mediterranean Advisory Council

Advice and Letters



Advice and letters


Letter from the Croatian, Italian and Slovenian Ministries to request collaboration on LTMP for the GSA 17

EC Reply to MED RAC letter on the External Dimension of Landing Obligation

MED(R)AC Contribution on the External Dimension on Landing Obligation

EC letter on MEDAC's role in the development of EU long-term management plans

EC Reply to MEDAC Definition of "fishing day"

Landing Obligation for small Pelagicin the GSA 17 - letter from the Croatian, Italian and Slovenian Administrations

Landing Obligation for small Pelagicin the Eastern Mediterranean - letter from the Greek and Italian Administrations

MEDAC letter on the definition of "fishing day"

Landing Obligation for small Pelagicin the Western Mediterranean - letter from the Italian and Spanish Administrations

MEDAC Contribution to the Consultation on Technical Measures

MED(R)AC Contribution on the Amendment of the GFCM Legal Framework

EC Reply to the MEDAC advice on the prohibition of the driftnets

MEDAC Advice on the proposal for a Regulation laying down a prohibition on driftnet fisheries

MEDAC Advice on BFT

MEDAC Advice on a joint Recommendation on Discards Management Plan

Comments to MEDAC advice for a Joint Recommandation on Discards Management Plan

Advice on the Omnibus proposal COM 2013 (889)



Head Office

MEDAC - Roma

c/o MASAF - Ministero dell'agricoltura, della sovranità alimentare e delle foreste

Via XX Settembre, 20
00187 Roma - RM

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