8 July
- 9.30-11.30: FG Adriatic on MAP small pelagic
- 1145-13.30: GFCM Session: 1) GFCM Strategy for future years; 2) GFCM decisions entered into force (item in the agenda of the past meetings skipped on June 4 for lack of time).
9 July
- 9.30-11.30: FG WestMed
- 1145-13.00: Questionnaire on COVID 19 - further analysis
-13,00-13,30: Results of the on going Plenary od the STECF (LO small pelagic)
c/o MASAF - Ministero dell'agricoltura, della sovranità alimentare e delle foreste
Via XX Settembre, 20
00187 Roma - RM
info@med-ac.eu E-mail